
Accreditation is not a destination you arrive at; it is a journey towards excellence that never ends..

KLEAP Documents

Three agencies have Subject Matter Experts (SMEs) ready to assist you with building your accreditation files! These individuals have advanced knowledge and experience in using Adobe Acrobat Pro to build electronic accreditation files. They assisted with the development of the File Construction Training Course and have each successfully completed the SME training and practical examine. They are available to provide guidance and strategy within the area of KLEAP electronic file building! Their role is NOT to determine if your written directives or proofs are in compliance with the standard, but rather to assist you with the technical skills needed to build your accreditation files!

"Heather Williams"

Heather Williams, Liberal Police Department
(620) 626-0594

"Ashley Behney"

Ashley Behney, Marshall County Sheriff's Office
(717) 644-5897

Deana Crabb, Johnson County Sheriff's Office
(913) 715-5291