Professional Development
Class and Event Registration
Certificate in Health and Wellness for Public Safety Information
The Kansas Commission on Peace Officers' Standards and Training
KLETC Campus Information
Welcome to the Kansas Law Enforcement Training Center! The following information is provided to help facilitate a safe and successful learning environment for all students attending classes and/or residing in KLETC dormitories. Please be
aware that KLETC maintains a separate, distinct set of guidelines, rules, and/or policies that specifically apply to student officers attending mandated basic training programs, and those guidelines, rules, and/or policies may be more restrictive
than those that apply to Continuing Education Students/Guests and may be enforced differently.
In consultation with the Kansas Commission on Peace Officers’ Standards and Training, KLETC has adopted the following Continuing Education Student Code of Conduct and Guest Rules:
1. Safety - Safety is KLETC’s highest priority. Comply with all safety postings, verbal and written directives. Please observe all safety rules and instructions, be aware of tornado shelter areas, fire exits, and emergency first aid stations. Report all injuries and unsafe conditions to KLETC staff.
2. Weapon Safety - The concealed carry of handguns shall be permitted on the KLETC Campus, including all buildings and public areas to the maximum extent possible while ensuring the safety of the staff, students, and guests in a training environment. The open carry of firearms shall be prohibited unless necessary for instruction in an authorized training program. Nothing in this procedure is intended to interfere with a law enforcement officer performing his or her official law enforcement duties on the KLETC campus. Law Enforcement officers attending continuing education or basic training classes, or are attending meetings or other academy-related events, are permitted to carry their firearm while on the KLETC campus. Law enforcement officers carrying a firearm on the KLETC campus must possess appropriate agency identification. ABSOLUTELY NO student, instructor, or role player is allowed to carry any firearm into an area where signage stating “no live weapons or ammunition is allowed in training safety areas” is present. You are responsible for ensuring that your firearm is secured in a safe, reasonable, and acceptable manner while on the KLETC campus. Questions regarding this policy for continuing education students, instructors, or guests may be directed to the KLETC Assistant Director for Professional Development and Continuing Education.
3. Alcohol Prohibition — Alcohol, including alcoholic liquor and cereal malt beverage, IS NOT ALLOWED on KLETC property. Please be aware that students attending basic training are not allowed to consume alcohol while attending the academy (including off-duty hours and off-campus). KLETC staff retains the authority to deny access to any training or event for any student that they believe to have consumed alcohol or is otherwise impaired.
4. Tobacco Prohibition — Tobacco use is not allowed on KLETC property. Smoking, including the use of electronic cigarettes or any future product that simulates or approximates tobacco use or smoking, and tobacco use are not permitted on KLETC property.
5. Professional Conduct — Professionalism is required at all times. As a guest on our campus, we ask that while in attendance at KLETC you maintain the same level of professionalism that you would demonstrate in the community you serve. In the unlikely event that a continuing education student or guest engages in unbecoming conduct or otherwise, fails to abide by KLETC policies or the Law Enforcement Code of Ethics while attending a continuing education class at KLETC or residing in a KLETC dormitory, action will be taken up to and including dismissal of the student or guest from campus, termination of the student’s enrollment (without refund, if applicable), and notification of the student’s agency administrator. At the discretion of the KLETC Director, a report may be made to the Kansas Commission on Peace Officers’ Standards and Training.
To maintain professional decorum and orderly learning environment, KLETC requests your cooperation with the following:
1. To avoid distracting other students while attending class, please turn off cell phones, pagers, and other electronic devices or set them to vibrate, give instructors your full attention, and wait until break time for private conversations.
2. Quiet Hours in the dormitories are from 10:30 p.m. until 7:00 a.m.
3. Dress requirements: business casual dress or your duty uniform is always appropriate. Some classes at KLETC have specific clothing requirements. You should consult your course instructions or ask your instructor if you have any questions. For the comfort of your fellow students, please do not wear soiled or sweat-stained clothing in the cafeteria.
4. With the exception of coffee, KLETC’s contract with its cafeteria vendor does not allow students to access cafeteria beverage machines or other food service dispensers except during scheduled meal times. Please use vending machines for between-meal snacking. No food or beverages other than coffee may be removed from the cafeteria unless otherwise authorized.
5. In order to receive a certificate of successful completion or attendance for a class, course, workshop or seminar, attendance is mandatory. Help us keep courses on schedule by arriving on time and returning promptly from breaks.
6. Your safety and well-being is most important. Please notify your agency and KLETC staff if you are ill and cannot attend class. Please report any student injuries to KLETC staff as soon as possible; however, do not delay emergency treatment in order to notify staff. After hours, refer to the staff phone numbers posted at the security desk or at main entrances. Once any initial emergency is taken care of, we ask that you complete a KLETC Injury Report Form to document the injury and circumstances. Additionally, for everyone’s safety, students are required to report to staff any injury or other condition that may adversely affect their participation in training. You may be requested to submit to staff a signed medical release before resuming training activities.
7. Unregistered guests must remain in the cafeteria, lobby or the first floor dormitory lounge areas, and are not allowed in dorm rooms unless permission is secured from KLETC staff.
8. Please park your vehicle in the designated student parking areas. Please do not park in the staff and visitor areas. The parking lot speed limit is 10 m.p.h., and the speed limit in the surrounding residential and business area is 30 mph.
Program and Campus Information
1. Cafeteria Hours (subject to change—your class coordinator will advise you of the exact times for your class): Breakfast: 6:45 a.m. – 7:45 a.m. Lunch: normally 11:20 a.m. – 12:45; Dinner: normally 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.; depending on weekly schedules.
2. In the case of severe weather that requires shelter, proceed to the posted shelter area on the first floors of the Welch Hall Dormitory or the East Dormitory, or the center hallway in Brazeal Hall. Please also take a moment and become aware of your nearest exits in case of fire and the location of AED and first aid stations.
3. During normal business hours, Monday – Friday, KLETC staff takes telephone messages for continuing education students. Emergency messages will be relayed immediately to students.
4. KLETC staff takes pride in the cleanliness and condition of its facilities. If you notice any maintenance or facility repair needs, notify your instructor, any KLETC staff member, or the Office of Student Services located in Brazeal Hall.
5. The Training Center and the University meet their commitments to provide equal opportunity and freedom from discrimination to students in their academic pursuits. University policy prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, religion, sex, national origin, age, ancestry, disability, status as a veteran, sexual orientation, marital status, parental status, gender identity, gender expression, and genetic information in the university's programs and activities. Retaliation is also prohibited by university policy. The following persons have been designated to handle inquiries regarding the nondiscrimination policies and are the Title IX coordinators for their respective campuses: Director of the Office of Civil Rights and Title IX, civilrights@ku.edu, Room 1082, Dole Human Development Center, 1000 Sunnyside Avenue, Lawrence, KS 66045, 785-864-6414, 711 TTY. All students have the right to speak up against discrimination or to use grievance procedures without fear of retaliation.
6. If you encounter a situation that does not meet your expectations, please contact any KLETC staff or the Executive Director.